Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Digital Citizenship and Sharing

Dear Parents,

As we continue to dive into our online learning, I would like to take a moment to share some information about digital citizenship. Please remember to be cautious as you go online for your daily learning. Listen to your head and heart as you proceed to access new information online, talk with your classmates and post your own work.

I would like to encourage the children to share some of their personal projects, art, writing and classroom assignments with me so I can post them for all to see. Feel free to take photos and email them to me with your children's creations. Here is an example of Brayden's construction project that he completed during the Spring Break. All I can say about this is WOW!!! I want that bedroom!!! Did you know Brayden planned, designed and created this bed frame!!! I love it!!!

Here is what Brayden wrote about his Spring Break:

We did a science experiment. On a walk I found an icicle and we predicted how fast the icicle would melt. It melted in 3 hours and 45 minutes. We also went sledding in Bragg Creek. We got new toboggans, they were inflatables, one was a polar bear and the other was a snowflake. My dad and my mom helped me make a new bed. We are going to paint it and make a climbing wall. 

P.S.-I love the art pieces personally created by Brayden that have been showcased in his room as well:)

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