Sunday, February 23, 2020

Pink Shirt Day (Wed. Feb. 26)

Dear Parents,

Please be reminded Wednesday, February 26th is Pink Shirt Day and students are encouraged to wear pink or red.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Learning Highlights (Feb. 18-21)

Dear Parents,

The highlight of learning this week was our celebration of the 1ooth day of School. Students had the opportunity to visit each Grade 1/2 classroom and engage in a learning task about this special day.

In Mrs. Adharsingh's classroom, the children had the opportunity to participate in a Scavenger Hunt which they really enjoyed.

When visiting Miss Caughey, they made special 100 Day hats. Having the opportunity to draw, use the hole punch and receive stickers was so much fun.

Miss Kraus had the children engage in conversation, illustrate and write about what life will be like when they are 100 years old. 

In our room, we read a story entitled, "Twas the Night Before the 100th Day of School." Then we created pictures using 100 Cheerios. The students in my room counted and prepared all of the bags of Cheerios for the other classrooms. Throughout all of our counting, we discovered a family box has more than 5,200 pieces of cereal. We couldn't figure out the total amount as the children enjoyed snacking as they were counting😁😁😁

Physical Education
We completed our Gymnastics/Mission Impossible unit.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Learning Highlights (Feb.3-12)

Dear Parents,

Books revolving around Nova Scotia and Caring for Others were read to the students during the past couple of weeks. A few of the titles include, "B is for Bluenose, Looking at Places, In My Heart, Pete the Cat Valentines Day is Cool and In My Heart." After learning that you can see the Northern Lights in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Nunavut and Alberta we engaged in some descriptive writing using a picture prompt depicting the Northern Lights and a lighthouse.

Word work has involved creating webs with weather words, writing sentences and making words by mixing up the letters in HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY (i.e. land, tin, Dante, Han, dear, deer, sat, sent...). 

I gave the students a surprise spelling test where I chose 15 words from the Pre-Primer and Primer lists of words. The words I selected were blue, down, where, come, under, said, do, does, brown, with, went, please, was, they and are. No one spelled all of the words correctly. I decided to do this to show the students that even though we may be able to read many words we might not yet be able to spell them. We had a whole group discussion about how our brains learn how to read first and then the ability to write words comes next. It was another way to show the children why, as a school, we are trying to improve our writing skills.    

We also practiced neat printing skills as we wrote our class lists of names (remembering names begin with capital letters) to take home to use for their Valentine's Day cards. I must say how impressed I was by the high number of students who took the extra time to make their own personalized Valentines this year!

We have participated in a variety of learning tasks. Students surveyed each other (three teachers as well) to find out what destination they would like to visit if they could go to Saskatchewan, Nunavut or Nova Scotia. Survey results were tabulated and then presented in the form of a bar graph. Seventeen people selected Nova Scotia, four chose Nunavut and the last three picked Saskatchewan. The children had to interpret the data by answering written questions about their bar graphs. For example: How many more people want to go to Nova Scotia instead of Nunavut (17-4=13).

The students also engaged in some learning to practice communicating their thinking on paper. The photo below was presented and they had to calculate how many circles were in the picture and show their thinking. This learning task proved to be quite challenging for many and definitely tested their ability to persevere.

We read the book entitled, "Equal, Shmequal," and spent some time looking at equality versus inequality. The students really enjoyed listening to this story and it served as an excellent tool to help explain the concepts of equals, does not equal and balance. This book would be an excellent one to revisit online with your child.

Social Studies
The children have begun their inquiry work looking at four different regions of Canada (Alberta, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia). So far, we have spent time looking at the physical features of the land and where these places are located in Canada. Some of the vocabulary introduced includes: continent, North America, country, province, capital city, prairie, maritime, Atlantic, Pacific, ocean, foothills, Rocky Mountains, north, south, east, west. We have written about what region we would like to visit, during what season and why. The students have packed their suitcases and are ready to take off πŸ˜„

Happy Family Day to allπŸ’– 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Learning Highlights (Jan. 13-30)

Dear Parents,

Since returning to school at the beginning of January the students have continued to work on developing their ability to read and write effectively. We have read numerous books about the season of winter which have certainly coincided with the extreme cold we experienced earlier in the month. Some of the book titles have included "The Mitten, Three Snow Bears, The Hat, A Very Special Snowflake and The Mitten Tree." Special attention has been placed on the Elements of Story (Setting, Characters, Plot, Climate and Retelling). Our focus of writing has been trying to write more complex sentences with extra attention to the use of descriptive words. Picture prompts have been presented and the students have tried to write about the setting using the five senses.


During Literacy Week we were fortunate to have Ms. Dalton and Constable Mark visit us. Constable Mark showed us all of the tools (flashlight, badge, taser, gun and notepad) he has to wear every day. It was very special having different people in our community read to us.

I can't forget to send out hugs and a huge thank you to Holly, Jasper, Enna and Asher who worked so hard on the video we made of the story, "I Got Two Dogs," for the Literacy Assembly (and Mrs. Dreyer for helping us as well)!!!

The students have been working on addition using different strategies (i.e. doubles, doubles plus 1, counting on by 1,2, making 10) and we have just begun trying to learn how addition and subtraction are related. Ms. Lana Pavlova (Math Specialist) engaged in a Part/Part/Whole lesson with us on Tuesday, January 28th and we are very much looking forward to her next visit. Her lesson was a very good introduction to the way addition and subtraction are linked.

We also engaged in some math where we created a code using the letters in the title of the story, "The Mitten Tree." It was a fun way to practice our basic addition facts and it also helped us with our spelling of high frequency words at the same time.

We have been learning about Hot and Cold. The students have been working on a Creative Journal page about hot and cold items, creating webs and writing sentences about the many different weather words (thermometer, temperature, hot, cold, chilly, warm, snow, ice, storm, freezing, melting, degrees, Celsius, Fahrenheit, just to name a few). They also just finished graphing the high temperatures for the month of January. Two colours were used to show temperatures that were above and below zero. I was pleased to see that a few of the Grade 2 students were reminded of the number line when they saw the graph.