Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Literacy Week (Jan. 27-30)

Dear Parents,

Next week the students and staff will be celebrating Literacy Week at Capitol Hill School. We have planned special activities for each day of the week to help promote and encourage the importance of reading each day, no matter what age you are!

Please assist your children with their preparation of the upcoming events:

Monday: Read my Shirt Day! (wear a shirt with writing on it, or a shirt connected to literacy in some way).
Tuesday: Teachers will visit a different classroom to read a favourite book.
Wednesday: All of the classrooms will make a bookmark.
Thursday: Dress up as a Favourite Character from one of your favourite books! There will also be a whole school assembly to celebrate the importance of reading.

In addition, Constable Enzie will be visiting the Grade 1 and 2 students to read and celebrate the importance of Literacy.

Mrs. Dalton and/or Ms. Jenyk will visit all of the classrooms to share one of their favourite books.  

We will also be participating in the DEAR program where students have to have a book on hand to read at all times each day because they will not know when the announcement will be made to Drop Everything and Read no matter where they are, even if it's the gym or Music room👍

It's going to be an exciting week😊😊